RNG overcome Damwon Kia to become MSI 2021 Champions

In an incredible 5-game series, RNG defeated Damwon Kia to win the MSI 2021 Championship.

In an incredibly contentious five game series, RNG edged out a 3-2 victory over Damwon Kia. With this win, RNG not only re-cemented the LPL’s dominance over international events but also earned the LPL a 4th Worlds slot.

RNG struck first blood by taking game one. Though Lucien is a pick typical for toplaner Xiaohu, Cryin found immense success on the pick outperforming expectations and his lane opponent, ShowMaker. Damwon Kia fired back to equalize the series, ShowMaker pulling out Xerath. Putting the game on his back, a crucial dragon steal turned the game in DK’s favor.

While the initial games of the series were defined by midlane performance, GALA stepped up in the latter parts of the series. GALA’s heroics and use of his ultimate as an engage tool proved invaluable in game 3. Finishing 8/0/5 and dealing 473 DPM, GALA’s perfect game is even more impressive considering how much of a hard engage role he played.

Game 4 was once again defined by ADC’s contributions in the mid to late game, though this time Ghost broke open the game for Damwon. Though taking control over most neutral objectives, RNG were able to keep the game in a relatively even state through kills. A crucial baron fight turned by RNG gave Ghost plenty of room.

One of the most tense five-game series ended in a landslide victory for RNG. An early botlane lead allowed GALA to snowball on Kaisa once again. With RNG’s victory seemingly inevitable from the 10 minute marker, Damwon put up several valiant base defenses before losing out.

Considering his incredible impact on the series, GALA earned the series MVP. From upsetting in the LPL playoffs to dominating their group, RNG capped off the first half of their year with an MSI Championship. RNG brought LPL’s first international win since 2019 Worlds and potentially have restarted the LPL’s dominance.

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Image Credit: LPL

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