Fnatic move past Misfits in thriller – To face G2 Esports for Worlds 2021 spot

Things started out great for Fnatic, who saw their early aggression and proactive playmaking rewarded with individual leads. With Bwipo on Viego, Adam on his signature Renekton and Hylissang on Rakan, they cruised to a first game victory. Misfits Gaming would punch back in the second game however, catching out Fnatic’s overaggression, with HiRiT on Camille and Razork on Lee Sin as the main playmakers (and a quirky Seraphine pick for Vander).

Then we saw the Nisqy and Upset show in the third game, with both players gaining quick kills and enormous leads, Fnatic slapped Misfits around, only for them to come back in a scrappy game 4 that was defaced by pauses, which became a subject of discussion. Eventually Fnatic closed it out in game 5, where both teams looked for openings, with eventually Adam on the Cho’Gath breaking open the way to victory.

With the win in this series Fnatic moves on to face G2 Esports in the next round of the lower bracket. There’s a lot at stake, because the loser sees their season end while the winner secures themselves a spot at Worlds 2021. In the upper bracket Rogue faces MAD Lions today, with the loser of that match eventually playing the the winner of the series between Fnatic and G2 Esports.

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Image Credit: Riot Games (Michal Konkol)
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