Pokémon UNITE – What you need to know about early game farming

What is farming?

First, let us start out by explaining what farming in Pokémon UNITE actually entails. If you’ve run around the map of Pokémon UNITE for a while you’ll probably have noticed the non-player Pokémon that appear all around the lanes and, perhaps even more importantly to what we’re discussing today, the middle of the map (or jungle).

Players in their lane or in the jungle will be able to take down these non-player Pokémon, which will result in them getting stronger and more experienced. Players who farm more effectively than their opponents (or teammates), will get ahead in the game. That’s why it’s important to manage farm

What farm is yours to take?

Before entering the map, you’ll most likely be choosing what lane you’re going to enter. Most often, two players will go top, one will go the center of the map and two more will run to the bot lane. Basically, everything in RED includes farm for the top lane, BLUE means bot lane farm, YELLOW shows jungle farm and PINK includes neutral Pokémon, which can (and should) be picked up by both teams.

Love the jungle, keep to yourself (at first)

It’s very important to any player that’s not the jungler or mid lane player to not kill any of the Pokémon you find in the jungle. Many, if not all, junglers will need every drop of experience they can get to make sure they can gank you and if you take away even some of their camps, they can be put behind for the entire game.

This can also put you in a whole lot of trouble. Imagine playing your lane and struggling, with the enemy team constantly running you over. Now imagine your jungler is also behind because you took one of his Pokémon. Not fun, right? Try to avoid this mistake as much as possible.

Extra tips

Steal farm

You probably already noticed, but you’re not exclusively supposed to farm on your side of the map. If you’ve killed the enemy and pushed them back to their base, go ahead and try to pick up as much of theirs as possible. This will put the enemy even further behind, with the added bonus of you becoming stronger.

Neutral farm/objectives

There’s a distinction to be made between neutral farm and neutral objectives. The latter are Pokémon that can give you big buffs when taking them down, so coordinate with your team as much as possible. Talking about neutral farms, always keep an eye out for the opportunity to snatch some up, especially if you’ve just taken down the enemy jungler and have the option to wander out of your lane.

Learn the limitations of your Pokémon

Some Pokémon are easier to farm with than others, period. Know when you’re safe to farm and when you need to retreat to one of your goals. Oftentimes it’s better to be safe than to risk your entire life for some farm.

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Image Credits: Nintendo
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