Pokemon UNITE developer to patch Crustle issues and Lucario glitch

The issues with both Pokémon started as the massive patch for the game was rolled out last week. While the issues aren’t limited to both Crustle and Lucario, their bugs and glitches seem to be more prominent and gamebreaking than the other ones. As long as the issues haven’t been fixed by the developers, many of the Pokémon UNITE fans have said they want both Crustle and Lucario banned in ranked play, out of concerns for fair play.

The issue with Crustle arises when he is knocked out. It seems like whenever Crustle respawns he seemingly gets power boosts out of nowhere and also sees reduced cooldowns on a lot of his abilities. Lucario on the other hand has an issue with his ExtremeSpeed move, which can unintentionally gain a lot of damage and can often one-shot his opponents.

TiMi Studios, who are developing Pokémon UNITE, have said they’ll be looking to fix the issue later this week. “We are planning to implement a fix for this issue in the update planned for Wednesday, 9/29. Thank you again for your patience!” For now, Pokémon UNITE players will have to wait just a little longer, or perhaps even stay away from ranked for a while.

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