New Dragons, items and objective bounties in League of Legends 2022 Preseason

New Dragons

Two new Dragons are hitting the rift and they bring some interesting effects and buffs with them. The first one is the Chemtech Drake, which gives a bonus damage buff against enemies with more health than you have. If there’s a Chemtech Soul, the team that obtains it will get a brief second life after dying. Then there’s the Chemtech Terrain, which will bring gas zones in the jungle where champions are camouflaged and not revealed by Wards.

The other Dragon that’s coming in the 2022 preseason is the Hextech Drake. When taking down the Hextech Drake a buff is granted which sees you get slightly higher attack speed and ability haste. The Hextech Soul will add a unique ability of chain lightning to basic attacks and abilities (with a cooldown). Finally the Hextech Terrain will feature ‘Hextech Gates’, which can be used to travel across the map quickly, but players need to channel before entering.

Bounties for objectives

When a team is very far behind, a new mechanic will be introduced which is called ‘Objective Bounties’. If a losing team takes an objective with an active bounty, every member of the team receives the objective bounty gold, split amongst the team. These are the prices of the bounties, which can increase further depending on how far behind a team is.

  • Baron/Elder Dragon – 500g
  • Dragon/Rift Herald – 500g
  • Outer Turret – 250g
  • Inner Turret – 400g
  • Base turret – 400g

New and reworked items

Some new items got introduced while other existing ones got a relatively bug update. The new items feature two new mage items (Crown of the Shattered Queen & Shadowflame), two new tank items (Winter’s Approach & Fimbulwinter) and a new assassin item (Axiom Arc). For an overview of all item changes and effects, check out the League of Legends Preseason Blog.

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Image Credits: Riot Games
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