LoL Patch 11.13 stands to be “the biggest meta shake-up we’ll see for quite a while”

Riot Games is testing out multiple changes that stand to change the fabric of the meta.

Earlier today, Riot Games Lead Game Designer for League of Legends announced that big change are potentially coming. In in his own words, Jeevun Sidhu stated “this will probably be the biggest meta shake-up we’ll see for quite a while.” The expectations for Patch 11.13 have been set high. Here are changes League players can expect in the near future.

Lucien nerfs intent to put him back in the botlane

In professional play, Lucien has risen in priority in the midlane position and found relative success. In soloqueue however, the AD champion has remained in the botlane with less than stellar win rates. Sidhu highlighted the Lucien changes as a major part of the 11.13 changes.

Lucien is set to receive nerfs to his base stats that will reduce the strength of his early abilities. A new empowerment will also increase the champion’s dependency on a support. Riot has played with the idea of increasing damage done to immobilized targets and while shielded.

Item changes and mage buffs

Mage players can rejoice, as Sidhu also emphasized the upcoming patch’s intent to strengthen the role. This will come in form of their itemization, reducing the AP Mana Mythics costs by 200 gold each. This will make it relatively easier for mage players to hit their first or second item power spikes.

The new projected toplane item, Force of Nature, has been pushed back to 11.13. With this delay, the item will be refocused “due to player feedback.”

Other incoming changes

Along with these changes Tahm Kenches’ mini rework and further item changes are expected to hit soon. Though Riot Games are certainly working to build anticipation for the patch, most changes are not yet set in stone.

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Image Credit: Riot Games


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