Early designs for Udyr’s visual graphic update shared by Riot developers

One of Riot’s oldest champions is slated to receive a VGU later in 2022.

One of League of Legend’s oldest champions is set to receive a visual graphics update and kit overhaul later in 2022. The decision to rework and update Uydr came this past Feburary by popular demand. Since then, Udyr has risen massively in priority both in soloqueue and professional play. Udyr has paired particularly well with the new Mythic items and meta that emerged in season 11. How the Spirit Walker will stand after his VGU remains unclear. What has been released however are the early designs for the reworked version of Uydr.

Riot developers have recently released details regarding progress on Udyr’s impending VGU. In their blog post, Stash “Stashu” Chelluck stated that the core essence of his ‘stance’ mechanic. Instead, the VGU will be focused on “adding variance (and high moments) and delivering more strongly on a theme.” With this new direction, Udyr will still keep his ‘no ultimate’ status, maintain strictly melee abilities, and will have an inherently tanky build.

Also notably, there was mentions of a “super stance” that would be added to his kit. In lieu of an ultimate, Stashu stated that the team had thrown around the idea of an ‘upgraded’ stance. This could create a more complex ‘stance dance’ than what the current iteration of the champion is used to. The team made it clear that they are still in the early phases of Udyr’s rework and that progress would be shared as it was made.

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Image Credit: Riot Games



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