Dota 2’s 7.30d patch brings a lot of rebalancing – Clinkz gets even stronger

The International 10 is right around the corner. In two weeks, the best teams in the world will duke it out, and Valve has now released patch 7.30d with a lot of rebalancing close to the start of the event.

The biggest changes in the eyes of the fans was Clinkz getting stronger, yes, even stronger than before. Silencer is being impacted with nerfs, and there was some confusion at the wording of Zeus’ Static Shield.

Clinkz is already in the top tier of heroes, and now Valve has added an additional 5 percent in total attack damage on Burning Barrage, up to 65 percent from 60 percent. In addition to that, the arrows were increased to plus three as a level 20 talent.

Silencer on the other hand was the recipient of some pretty impactful nerfs. The Arcane Curse silence penalty multiplier lost 0.3x, from 2x to 1.7x. Last Word’s Scepter Radius shrunk to 500 from 650.

Despite many calls from the community to further nerf Vengeful Spirit, but this patch only decreased her Agility Gain to 3.2 from 3.4 previously.

The wording of the Static Shield changes caused some confusion, but in essence, the move will now actively deal damage rather than removing HP from opponents. This is to allow the move to interact with more effects and items.

An extensive list of other heroes received minor nerfs or buffs to balance them a bit better.

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Image credit: biggreenpepper via deviantART (

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