2022 LoL preseason will see new mage, assassin, and tank items

With the current season reaching its culmination, Riot Games has given us a sneak peek into the 2022 preseason, and the potential new items and features that will accompany the new preseason.

Jeremy “Brightmoon” Lee, League’s director of gameplay production showed (part of) his hand in the most recent State of Gameplay. He said the League team has been working on a couple of mage, tank, and assassin features.

One of the new items will be particularly interesting for support tank players, as the new Mythic offensive item will “reward the player for getting into the middle of the enemy team and causing havoc”. In short, when you immobilize an enemy champion, all nearby enemies will take increased damage. Does this sound familiar to Abyssal Mask to you? You’re right, but that item will be seeing some changes because of this.

Another new item the team’s working on is a Legendary that gives players an enormous amount of mana, allowing them to use that surplus of mana on shields every time they immobilize or slow an opposing player.

Mages will receive not one, but two items. One Mythic, one Legendary.

The Mythic item will “guard mages by reducing incoming champion damage for a brief period of time when they’re first attacked”. Once that initial damage is mitigated, the item’s effectiveness will fall off.

The Legendary item increases magic penetration against recently shielded and low-health opponents. Zoe, LeBlanc, and Syndra mains, rejoice!

Assassins aren’t forgotten either. Riot is looking into manufacturing an item/a feature that will allow for more spell rotations, rather than a single burst attack. If an enemy dies within three seconds of taking damage from a player and will lower their ultimate’s cooldown.

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Image Credits: Riot Games


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