Tyler1 reaches challenger in mid lane – only support left

Tyler “Tyler1” Steinkamp has made it his personal mission to hit the challenger rank in all five of League of Legend’s roles. So far, he has done so playing as a jungler, toplaner, ADC, and now a midlaner. Tyler1’s endeavor into the midlane was his shortest path to challenger yet. In just two months, Tyler1 climbed the ladder to League of Legend’s highest rank.

Now, with only one role left it seems likely that Tyler1 will take up the support role. If Tyler1 is able to reach challenger as a support main, then he will have achieved a feat few (if any) have managed before him. With the momentum he’s gathered from the past four roles, it seems incredibly likely that Tyler1 could finally complete his conquest before the season’s end.

After reaching challenger in the midlane, Tyler1 suggested that Riot add his face as a category banner. Tyler1 went on to cite himself as the current face of League of Legends. It is incredible to think that only years ago, Tyler1 faced an indefinite ban from the very same game he now broadcasts to thousands of viewers.

Ever since being unbanned, Tyler1 has taken the League of Legends community by storm. Not only is he on the precipice of achieving an unthinkable feat, but he has also played on the LCS finals stage, created his own tier 2 tournament, and represented League of Legends globally. Tyler1’s journey is far from over, but it is impressive how far he has come.

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Image Credit: Riot Games
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