The 5 best ARs to use in Warzone season 3

Are you an AR player looking to step up your game in season 3? Here are our picks for the best ARs in the game.
With a new season in Call of Duty Warzone comes a new meta. The first two seasons were largely dominated by the DMR however recent patches have created a wide variety of viable weapons to drop in with. Here are a few of the best assualt rifles you can take into Verdansk ‘84. 
FFAR 1 – Bridging the gap between ARs and SMGs

Despite taking several nerfs before the start of season three, the FFAR 1 still remains one of the best assault rifles in Warzone. This gun seemingly bridges the gap between assault rifles and sub-machine guns, as the rapid rate of fire and reload speed will be familiar to any SMG player while the firepower is undoubtedly the mark of an AR. You can add to this AR’s incredible versatility and handling by adding the Bruiser Grip and Quickdot LED optic scope. 

Adding the 21.2” ranger barrel and Salvo 50 Rnd Fast Mag will enhance the stopping power this rifle has while adding enough ammunititon in the clip to mow down entire squads without having to reload. At point blank range this AR is unbeatable, but also does not fall out too hard in longer range gunfights, making it potentially the most versatile gun in the game.

CR-56 AMAX – The thinking man’s SCAR

Like the SCAR and AK-47 of games past, the CR-56 AMAX prioritizes high damage output though still manages to hold a decent rate of fire and recoil. Considering this rifle has some of the highest firepower in the game, not much has to be done to increase this gun’s damage output. Instead, you focus on attachments that increase the rifle’s range such as the XRK Zodiac S440 barrel attachment and VLK 3.0x Optic sights. This weapon does impeccably well in mid to long distance gun fights, you should avoid tight spaces and opt to keep enemies at a distance.

The 45 Round Mags ammunition attachment will give you plenty of longevity during drawn out team fights and make the most of the CR-56 AMAX’s incredible damage per shot. This may be one of the more difficult weapons to unlock, however it is certainly worth it.

Oden – Slow and steady wins the race

On face value, the Oden may not be the most appealing assault rifle when compared to the fast firing counterparts like the ones listed above however in terms of damage per shot, the Oden can not be beat. Though with the lowest rate of fire among assault rifles, any confident marksman can easily find kills at a distance. In this sense, you should treat this AR more like a sniper rifle by only finding long range fights.

The attachments you prioritize for the Oden should be centered around lowering your recoil since not much can be done for the poor rate of fire. The Tac Laser and Stippled Grip Tape all work in giving you a clearer shot on your opponents. This is certainly a weapon that punishes you for poor aim, however in the right hands it can be unstoppable. 

Grau 5.56 – The standard

The Grau 5.56 is perhaps the most standard AR available in the game, as it has little to no recoil, relatively high damage per shot, and little damage fall off over higher distances. This makes Grau an incredibly verstile rilfe that can be used in almost all short, mid, or long ranged team fight situations. Since this weapon is so generally applicable, it lends itself to massive diversity in loadout builds since essentially any part of this gun can be maximized without hindering another aspect.

Personally, I opt for attachments that better the gun’s range at both long and short distances, since recent nerfs have made the gun slightly less effective at longer ranges. The Tac Laser and Monolithic Suppressor both work to help your long range effectiveness while the Archangel attachment makes the gun more viable in close fights. 

M4A1 – Baby’s first AR

Similar to the Grau 5.56, the M4A1 is a rather basic rifle that works in nearly every situation on account of its low recoil. Where the M4A1 seperates itself from the pack however is in it’s inherently higher magazine capacity and firepower, making it an optimal choice for anyone who likes holding down the trigger and mowing down opponents during team fights. 

Attachments for this rifle should work in boosting the damage output of the M4A1, I usually take the Monolithic Supressor and Stock M16 Grenadier to maintain higher amounts of damage over longer distances. The iron sights are some of the best among ARs in the game, so you can use this open slot to increase the magazine size even further. 

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