Team Liquid win Coaching Staff of the Split in LCS

It has been an interesting split for Team Liquid in the LCS. After a pretty disappointing Spring Split the pressure was on for the team that dominated the league for two years and this split, they delivered. Now their coaching staff has been rewarded with the Coaching Staff of the Split award.

Team Liquid had been the dominant force in the LCS for over a year, winning four splits in a row and seeming unbeatable. After this year’s Spring Split however, Team Liquid started to struggle a little bit more after a roster shakeup where jungler Broxah joined the team. They would go on to finish in 9th place and they missed out on playoffs.

With star player and bot laner Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng leaving the team to join TSM, things seemed even worse for Team Liquid at the start of the Summer Split. They added bot laner Edward “Tactical” Ra to the starting roster and picked up a new head coach in the form of analyst Joshua “Jatt” Leesman. After three shaky weeks they improved considerably and competed with Cloud9 for first place, a battle they’d eventually take first place with a 15-3 record.

Now the coaching staff of the organization, also including Jang “Cain” Nu-ri, Chris “Croissant” Sun and Tyler “Tyler” Perron, has been rewarded for their great turnaround with the Coaching Staff of the Split award. It’s impressive how Joshua “Jatt” Leesman has improved Team Liquid in his first split with the team and it’ll be interesting to see where he takes them in the future.

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Image Credit: LCS (Twitter)
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