Soraka’s ultimate is insanely broken – nerf incoming in patch 11.19

Thanks to the Patch 11.18 changes, it’s Soraka who reigns supreme in the support department.

The Starchild won’t be able to stay top dog for long, as Riot Games has already communicated, she’ll receive nerfs in the next patch, the official World Championship patch, 11.19.

What exactly changed in Patch 11.18? Soraka’s abilities and status of super-healer have always had one major counter: Grievous Wounds. Riot balanced this to give her ultimate Wish the ability to cleanse Grievous Wounds. A small change at first glance, but one with a huge impact.

The change made Soraka a top 10 pick (7.80% pick rate, up from 4.73%), and it boosted her win rate by 2.5%, the highest difference from all the champions receiving updates in the last patch.

Players who play Soraka win 53.46% of their matches, and that’s the second-best win rate of all the supports. She even overtook Sona, but has to still allow Amumu to be the highest win rate support champion. Players who play Amumu win 53.56% of their games.

And it’s not only Soraka players who profit from the change. Thanks to the change, and because her ultimate now cleanses Grievous Wounds, all healing is increased until it’s reapplied.

Champions like Samira, Draven, Olaf, and Sylas have merited from the change as well.

The incoming nerf in the upcoming patch will reduce the base heal on Wish after the cleanse goes through.

  • Base heal: 150/250/350 >>> 130/215/300

Even with these changes, the cleanse still remains and gives hope to the Starchild fans that Soraka could see considerable playtime during Worlds.

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Image Credits: Riot Games
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