Riot update Graves’ Q hitbox indicator – These skillshots need to be fixed too

Graves will get a quality-of-life visual update to his Q to make his hitbox just a tad bit more obvious and clear.
Graves gets fixed

The fix was initially only scheduled to be done to the Graves Sentinels of Light skins, but will be applied to all Graves’ skins for better clarity overall. The problem was the Q missile being too thin and the return missile on his Q being a lot more wide. This will now be fixed as the VFX now matches the hitbox of the skillshot.

It’s the nature of skillshots in a connectivity-based game that can often lead to problems while playing, especially when you’re playing on a higher ping than usual. This can often lead to abilities hitting you when they shouldn’t have or compensating for the delay, which can throw you off your judgement.

These need to be fixed too

One of the most annoying hitboxes in the entire game of League of Legends is Nautilus. It’s a well known fact that the hitbox of his Q (Dredge Line) doesn’t really match up with what’s happening on screen. There’s a lot of instances, even in pro play, where the hook connects even though it was nowhere near the enemy. There are even clips of Nautilus hooking champions over walls where he shouldn’t have.

Kai’Sa is another great example of a champion with an ability that has an unreliable hitbox. Her W, Void Seeker, is often deceptively small while the actual hitbox of the projectile is a whole lot wider. This can often result in errors of judgement and an accidental death, when you should have easily escaped or sidestepped.

Also read:

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Image Credit: Riot Games
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