Riot is contemplating creating a Solo-only queue in favor of the current system


The 2022 season hasn’t been complete smooth sailing for the players in the ranked queues. This fact hasn’t escaped Riot Games, and in a recent developer blog, the company went into more detail.

In that blog, competitive gameplay project manager Codebear, and Riru, part of the marketing communications team, talked about the competitive season so far, and what we can expect to change in the coming months.

“From a high level viewpoint, Solo/Duo queue is currently in one of the healthiest states we’ve ever seen,” the devs said in the post. “But issues are still present with boosting and the balance of MMR that the teams feel are slightly problematic and impacting competitive integrity.”

Riot is looking at various factors such as progression opportunities, competitive integrity, and a focus on team play to create a set of goals to improve the player experience.

Due to the problems of the premade parties of three/four -such as increased queue times and players not getting their primary role- Riot has been thinking of creating a solo-only queue, forcing those premade parties into a Flex or newly designed premade queue.

Riot hopes that among other things, this will lower the frequency of autofill, reduce boosting and by doing so, balancing the different queues to make them accessible to everyone.

Obviously, these are just ideas thrown in the mix by the developer, but they want to at least investigate the possibility for a solo-only queue if it’s something they can move forward with.

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Image Credits: Riot Games
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