Riot Games details Rammus update

In one of their developer posts, Riot Games has announced some changes to Rammus which will feature a few of his abilities, among them his Ultimate. His current Ultimate, Tremors, will be replaced by a brand new one in the form of Soaring Slam, which sees him leaping into the air.

Rammus will get some changes to his E, Puncturing Taunt. The duration of the taunt will be increased on monsters to 250%, it will have a static cooldown of 12% with the duration of the taunt on champions scaling from 1-2 second. The changes to his E were made to balance out the new power of his ultimate, according to Riot.

The new pride and joy of Rammus players will be his ultimate Soaring Slam. Rammus leaps into the air and slams down at a target location, dealing magic damage and Slowing enemies for 1 second. Enemies near the center are also hit if Rammus was in his powerball at the Time of casting his ultimate. Following his ultimate Rammus will deal aftershocks, dealing magic damage, while it can also be used to damage turrets (200% damage). The cooldown on the ultimate will be increased.

In the developer post Riot also details why they are making these changes to the champion. “We want to increase gameplay options for Rammus by giving a historically linear character more choices and interactions beyond just running at someone and taunting.” Mark “Scruffy” Yetter also further teases the Tahm Kench update that was announced a few months back, which still requires a little more work before it can be released.

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Image credit: Riot Games
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