Patch notes 11.1 – Less burst, altered build paths and champion updates

Riot Games has released the patch notes for the 11.1 patch as we enter a brand new year and brand new season. Let’s take a look at the most important updates of the patch.

When it comes to champions, some of them see some much needed buffs, while others were considered a tad bit too strong by Riot. Gnar, Karma, Qiyana, Ryze and Xayah all received some (needed) buffs while champions such as Master Yi, Pantheon and Fiddlestick, who were staples during the offseason, received some nerfs. Both Yasuo and Yone also received some balancing, most notably to their early game damage.


In the item field the Archangel’s staff build path was altered alongside an AP buff. Ionian Boots of Lucidity also received a slight upgrade in the form of extra ability haste, while Manamune (and Muramana) was deemed a bit to efficient, as it was almost always the best 2nd item choice, so it was made more expensive to buy featuring a different build path. Runaan’s Hurricane was subsequently made more attractive as a second purchase, making it cheaper. Finally, Shurelya’s Battlesong received a buff to its movement speed.

In terms of burst items, they are changed up almost across the board, giving items such as Duskblade of Draktharr and Prowler’s Claw more stats instead of up-front burst. Grievous wounds also received an update, having its duration extended from 2 to 3 seconds.

Quality of life updates

Changes were also made to the in-game chat and shop, featuring quality of life updates such as keyboard shortcuts in chat, text editing and a more clear display of items. You can check out the updates a little more in depth in the patch notes here.

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Image Credit: Riot Games
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