OpTic Scump talks CDL fines, hints at Call of Duty Player Union

Things seem to have reached a boiling point in the Call of Duty community, as yesterday Seth “Scump” Abner talked about a fine he received for playing a different game (Raid Shadow Legends) during a sponsored stream. During a livestream he later discussed a possible players union among CDL players.

On his Twitter account, Scump first came forward saying he got fined for playing Raid: Shadow Legends on his Twitch channel in a sponsored stream, advocating he should be able to whatever he wants on his channels. Later he also tweeted out that the CDL forced the players to sign a contract at the player summit, saying they wouldn’t have been able to play if they didn’t sign.

On his livestream Scump talked about forming a players union to protect the rights of the CDL players following his recent tweets. He went on to explain he wasn’t informed well enough to join the players union last season, but now seems ready to do so after people reached out to him. A Call of Duty players union might very well be on the way for the 2021 CDL season.

As we move forward, it’s clear to see that a players union would be very beneficial to the CDL after numerous reports of players getting fined over personal tweets and content they put out on their individual channels. This players union might be exactly what the CDL needs to take another big step forward.

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Image Credit: MLG
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