Nerfs for both Hextech and Chemtech souls and Lethal Tempo in League of Legends patch 12.2

It’s no surprise that the Dragon Souls for Hextech and Chemtech are being nerfed, as fans have been very vocal about their strength, often outshining the other elemental Dragons on the rift. Changes are also coming for Lethal Tempo, which got a rework in preseason but has become a go-to option for too many champions and is a little bit overtuned in its current state.

More nerfs are scheduled for a lot of the assassin champions, as they’ve excelled in season 12 so far, being able to be flexed to many lanes (and in some cases the jungle). Talon, Qiyana and Zed are the shining examples of this. Shen will also get a nerf, as he’s become more popular since the Teleport changes were introduced, being still able to roam efficiently. Finally there’s Lulu, who was one of the most popular supports recently due to her efficient abilities. They’ll be toned down not in damage, but by tweaking their cooldown timers.

When it comes to champions being buffed, names such as Yasuo, Yone and Nocturne aren’t surprising, as they’ve struggled ever since season 12 has rolled around. Volibear, Veigar, Tristana and Senna will also receive (slight) buffs.

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