MAD Lions reverse sweep Rogue in nailbiter series to win LEC Spring Split Finals

In the LEC Finals it was MAD Lions who were able to defeat Rogue with a reverse sweep in a tremendous series.

Things started out great for the side of Rogue winning the first two games in their typical fashion. Key roles in those first two wins were mid lane and bot lane, as Larssen played a great Orianna and Victor, while the Hans Sama and Trymbi duo showed up big for Rogue, often getting ahead over Kaiser and Carzzy and finding advantages. 

MAD Lions never gave up however and fought back in games three and four, putting a lot of focus on their traditional teamfighting style. Top laner Armut played two great matches on his Wukong and found key engages, giving MAD Lions two wins to tie up the series. In the final match Rogue looked like they had it in the books, acquiring an early lead. MAD Lions fought back however and through Humanoid on Victor and more key engages from Armut and support Kaiser, turned everything around, winning their first LEC title.

By winning the LEC Spring Split MAD Lions will be able to represent the LEC over at the Mid-Season Invitational. MAD Lions win over Rogue also signifies the start of a new era for the LEC, in a finals that didn’t feature G2 Esports or Fnatic. It’ll be interesting to see if they can keep their momentum going.

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Image credit: Riot Games

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