MAD Lions’ Elyoya wins Rookie of the Split in LEC

The rookie jungler of MAD Lions, Javier “Elyoya” Prades Batalla, was awarded as the Rookie of the Split in the LEC.

As MAD Lions broke through Rogue in their playoff series following a reverse sweep, Elyoya was a big factor in helping secure the LEC title for his team. Earlier he was awarded with the Rookie of the Split award. A tall task for any rookie, as the LEC is traditionally a region that has some very strong rookies participating, with a foundation strongly rooted in their ERL system. Elyoya beat out other top contenders for the award, such as support Treatz from SK Gaming and support Trymbi from Rogue.

When it comes to statistics in the jungle, it’s in his diversified champion pool that Elyoya really shines, often being able to thrive even while behind. He went on to play 12 different champions in the entirety of the Spring Split including the playoffs, with especially his Volibear and Udyr coming through strongly for MAD Lions in their playoff performances.

Elyoya also became known for being very involved in the lanes of this team as well as the general teamfights, often finding excellent ganks and boasting a kill participation of over 73%. As MAD Lions moves on to MSI in May, it’ll be interesting to see what the rookie can do on the international stage.

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Image Credits: Riot Games / LEC
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