LoL – The Top 5 Champions to use in URF mode

Just in time before Worlds, Riot re-introduces Ultra Rapid Fire (URF) mode to the League of Legends client. Here are the 5 best Champions to stomp over your opposition.

URF has its own rules

If you are unfamiliar with URF, here is a quick primer. The mode features very low cooldowns, more damage and no mana or energy problems. It is the place to live out your power fantasies in the Rift.

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These conditions make URF very different from standard play as it is much more about spamming your abilities. Here are our top picks for URF:


Instead of playing her as AD carry in URF you should try an AP build. Her W “Void Seeker” scales extremely well with magical damage. Combined with the low cooldown of URF and her high range, Kai’Sa is a strong contender in URF.


Who does not want to emulate Faker’s legendary Zed play. URF makes it easy for you as you can constantly jump around and throw out Shurikens. If you get caught out you can always just use your Ultimate.


Annie is infamous for her One-Shots and Flash Ultimates. Two things you can abuse even more in URF. As your summoner spells also have a lower cooldown you can use your combo a lot more often. Her Ultimate is almost a One-Shot on every opponent, a fact you should exploit to the fullest in URF’s low cooldown environment.


Sometimes you just want to annoy your opponents. If that is the way you roll, Karthus is your pick in URF. As mana is basically infinite you can keep your E on indefinitely and your other abilities can also be spammed to your heart’s content.

His Ultimate “Requiem” ensures your high damage output even in the late game. Put keep in mind that most opponents will purchase hour glasses to counteract you.


Yuumi is a pick that can be commonly seen in normal Summoner’s Rift. But in URF you are free from the restrictions of her manapool. So if you are not planning to play Yuumi, you should make sure to ban her or she will terrorize you in URF.

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Image Credits: Riot Games
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