LoL – MSI Lite planned?

The Mid-Season Invitational (MSI) has been cancelled, but there is still hope for competition during the break between splits. Riot is currently working on a showdown between China and Korea.

The LCK and the LPL have crowned their new spring champions but without MSI the regions have entered hibernation in preparation for Summer.

But instead of just waiting for a longer than usual break between splits T1’s CEO Joe Marsh has suggested alternatives via Twitter:

Seizing the momentum Riot’s Korean division has followed up on the suggestion and officially asked if the teams were willing to play a showmatch. Apparently the answers were positive. Invenglobal reported that Riot was planning a temporary event to shorten the two months of off-season between splits. Since many details were still in the air, they have not announced anything concrete yet.

Looks like we might have a clash between China and Korea’s best to tide us over the long wait for summer split.

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Pictures via Riot Games

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