LEC: Vitality win both matches in week 7, Rogue defeat MAD Lions

In the second day of week 7 in the LEC Team Vitality kept their momentum going against Excel, while Rogue beat out MAD Lions.

The match between Team Vitality and Excel went down to the wire, only concluding after almost 45 minutes of play. Once again the Vitality bot lane Crownshot and Labrov stepped up to snag another win, this time on Xayah and Alistar respectively. Mid laner Milica also put in a solid performance on the Orianna. With the win Vitality moved on to a 4-11 record and are still potentially in the running for a playoff spot.

After losing out to G2 yesterday Rogue faced another direct rival in the form of MAD Lions. This time Hans Sama and Larssen carried them to victory on explosive Kalista and Orianna picks, beating out yet another Ahri picked up by Humanoid, which failed to have the impact that was needed. Rogue stayed in second place, while MAD Lions are now tied with Fnatic for third.

Talking about Fnatic, they overpowered SK Gaming in a return to form, with yet another dominating performance by Upset (this time on Kai’Sa) who seems to have grown in this Fnatic roster. In other matches G2 Esports secured another win against Misfits Gaming and stay on top of the leaderboard, while Schalke 04 ended their slump with a victory over Astralis.

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Image credit: Riot Games (Michal Konkol)

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