League of Legends Patch 11.2 – Viego enters the rift

Riot Games has released the patch notes for its newest patch, which also sees League’s newest champion Viego making his debut on Summoners Rift after a brief stay in the PBE. We also see some nerfs to some prominent champions and changes to Essence Reaver and Galeforce.

When it comes to Champions being nerfed, the most prominent names are Akali, Darius, Maokai and Olaf, seeing their damage output reduced slightly. We also see some changes to Elise, Ivern an Nunu as we mostly see adjustments in the jungle. Multiple champions saw buffs coming their way this time around with the likes of Azir, Caitlyn Dr. Mundo, Leblanc, NOcturne, Senna, Shaco, Soraka, Trundle and Varus. Obviously the biggest update comes in the form of new champion Viego, which we detailed here. He’ll be making his way to the rift starting today.

On the item front Galeforce saw a big hit with a 30 second increase to cloudburst cooldown. Essence Reaver saw spellblade mana restore buffed, while other marksman items (Phantom Dancer and Runaan’s Hurricane) got an attack speed buff of 5%. When it came to the Tank Mythics, options other than Sunfire Aegis have been made more attractive and worthwhile.

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The rune Ravenous Hunter saw a nerf to Bounty Hunter stack and the in-game shop saw a couple more quality-of-life updates, fixing some visual issues and saving your pins and open tab between games. The full patch notes can be found here.

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Image credit: Riot Games
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