League of Legends’ Mythic pickrate diversity is on the right track

Riot Games lead gameplay developer Mark “Scruffy” Yetter gave us an update on the Mythic item diversity for all champions that are in the game in their latest dev blog.

The developers are on the right track to hit their goal of no champion choosing the same Mythic in 75%+ of games, with 88% of champions hitting that goal in patch 11.3. That is a staggering 68% increase when comparing the numbers with patch 10.22, the last patch before preseason.

Scruffy notes that “Having a most common pick is fine as long as other options are the right pick frequently enough. We don’t think we’ll see 100% of champions meet this goal, but we’ll always try to move toward it as we iterate and improve the game.”

Data still shows, however, that not all classes in the game have met the goal.

Tanks are the best example of the different builds that are possible, with 24 hits and 0 misses, according to Riot Games. That means that no tank champions had a Mythic that was picked more than 75% of the time.

Also read: League of Legends Patch 11.4 – Samira and Kai’sa nerfs, Moonstone Renewer less effective

“Tanks are the only class with no hardbinding. We were able to move from only 50% to 100% of our goal with both balance changes and some light reworks of the tank Mythics to give them more clear and viable niche,” said Yetter.

The best example of what the League of Legends team is trying to accomplish can be found with Draven, an AD carry, with no Mythic being picked more than 23.2% of the time. The carry role in general is hitting all the right notes, with a lot of champions having a good pickrate on three or more Mythics.

The worst offender was Samira. Players on this champion picked Immortal Shieldbow 92.5% of games, closely followed by Olaf, who built Goredrinker 88.2% of the time.

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Image credit: Riot Games
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