League of Legends champion Aurelion Sol might get some love from Riot in the future

Riot Games developer Rob “KingCobra” Rosa took to Reddit this week to ask for input from players on his favorite champion.

Rosa, an Aurelion Sol main himself, wanted to better understand where his fellow mains wanted his power to be distributed in his kit. He was quick to add that his posting on Reddit would not guarantee changes to the champion.

It is true that Aurelion Sol is a forgotten champion at the bottom of the pickrates. According to website op.gg, the Star Forger is picked 0.8% of the time, a dreadful statistic. That puts him at the bottom of mid lane picks, even behind mid lane picks like Sett, and Viego.

Can you remember the last time the champion was played on the professional level? There’s no shame if you don’t because A Sol has only been picked a grand total of 21 times since 2019. One player is responsible for nearly half of those games; Team WE mid laner Jiang “Teacherma” Chen.

“ I’m not going to be looking at mechanics changes. Just moving some numbers around,” said Rosa on his Twitter thread.

A common gripe in both the Twitter and Reddit threads was that too much power was put in Aurelion Sol’s E ability Comet of Legend. Another common comment was that the champion really needs to be ahead of his opponent to be viable.

While, according to the available statistics, there aren’t many Aurelion Sol mains around, players will be happy to know their favorite champion hasn’t been forgotten and might climb back out of obscurity.

Do you think Aurelion Sol has a chance to become a higher picked champion again with changes? Join the discussion on social media or our Discord!

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Image credit: Riot Games

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