Elden Ring – How to farm 40,000 Runes in 2 Minutes

Runes are the currency of Elden Ring. You need them to buy items, level up and improve your stats. Here is one quick trick to farm a large amount of rune in a short time.

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40,000 Runes per Run

Tired of not having enough Runes in Elden Ring? Here is a trick to farm around 40,000 Runes every two minutes. Head to the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum in the Mohgwyn Palace region underneath Caelid.  You need to have both parts of the Haligtree Secret Medallion to access that area. The first part is acquired in Liurnia near the Village of the Albinaurics, the second part can be looted off a boss in Mountaintops of the Giants near the Castle Sol Rooftop.

Now you are able to operate the Grand Lift of Rold leading you to a teleporter that will get you to the  Mohgwyn Palace region. Head to the Palace Approach Ledge-Road Site of Grace to start your farming.

Next to the Site of Grace you can find a lot of enemies, that do not aggro immediately, gathered in one place.

The easiest way to quickly kill the mobs there is using the Sacred Relic Sword, but that is only available to you after beating the final boss. But all weapons with area of effect damage are great options for that spot. Options like the Blasphemous Blade or other similar weapons that can deal with multiple opponents.

Once you have dispatched and looted the Runes off the mobs, you can just repeat the entire thing by resting at the Site of Grace.

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Image Credits: Bandai Namco
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