Elden Ring Class Overview – Samurai

The Samurai is a new addition to the Souls-like games and makes his debut in Elden Ring. Of Course FromSoftware did also develop Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, which was filled with Samurai. The class excells at melee and ranged combat in Elden Ring.

Samurai Base Stats

First thing that stands out on the Samurai stats are the high values of dexterity. Only the Warrior has more at the beginning of the game. But with 15 Dexterity on the Samurai, you really are set for all kinds of weapons, be it bows or Uchigatanas.

These are also the starting weapons of the class in Elden Ring, giving you ranged and melee combat options right from the start. Samurais also have the highest Endurance stat at the start, which will also allow players to strike multiple times in a row.

Just from these base stats one can already see that the Samurai class is very well-suited to a Dexterity-focused build with a quick playstyle. You should build upon these strengths and focus on the various katanas you can find in the game. In fights you will focus on dodging most attacks and destroying your opponents with quick strikes.

Elden Ring’s Samurai can also strike from afar with a bow. (Quelle: Bandai Namco)

Main attribute should be Dexterity in your playthrough to increase the damage of the weapons that scale off it. Endurance should be your second focus as it boosts your ability to hit quickly. Vigor is a bit lower in comparison to other classes so a couple spare points might also be worth there to increase your HP.

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Image Credits: Bandai Namco
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