Dr Disrespect suggest changes for Warzone’s Iron Trials ’84

Call of Duty Warzone Season 5 Reloaded brought plenty of new content with it, including Iron Trials ’84. This game mode offers and alternative to the regular Rebirth and Verdansk modes and presents vastly different challenges. Labeled as one of the most difficult battle royales, Iron Trials ’84 provides modifiers such as increased health, weapon changes, increased buy station prices, and far more.

Gaming personality and YouTube streamer, Dr Disrespect has praised Raven Softwares for their changes to Warzone in the past few months. Dr Disrespect, after playing Iron Trials ’84 for the first time, appreciated the change of pace that the mode brought to Warzone. The streaming powerhouse suggested some changes to the game mode. Fellow content creator, ZLaner, brought up that the zone moves significantly faster in Iron Trials ’84 however Doc suggested that time between zones be shorter.

This would make this game mode much faster, adding to the challenge that Raven Softwares proclaimed with Iron Trials ’84. Overall, Doc’s impression of the new game mode was heavily positive. The speed of average game times in Warzone has been a continually source of criticism for Warzone. Often making it to the final zones is a real time commitment.

Decreasing the time between zones would be a quick fix to make games seem more streamlined and faster. Raven Softwares have generally accepted criticism of their game well and incorporated it into future patches. Whether or not they will take Dr Disrespect’s suggestions remains to be seen.

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Image credit: Dr Disrespect

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