Doublelift: “Top lane is the most devastating role in League”

His professional playing days may be over, but Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng still enjoys the game that brought him notoriety good enough. While watching a Tyler1 clip, he opened up on what the most difficult position is to play in League.

League of Legends might be a team game, but by the virtue of the counter-picking, sometimes you can feel like the only person on your side of the Nexus. Have enough of these games and playing League will negatively affect your mental state.

The former professional ADC player was very clear. “Top is, by far, the most mentally devastating role, and it’s not even close,” Peng said. “It’s up there with AD carry in terms of like, ‘Only psychopaths would enjoy top lane’”.

Of course, questions started popping up about what he thought the easiest role was. Not surprisingly, Doublelift named the mid lane as the easiest in terms of finding advantages and affecting the game. Even if you lose your matchup in the mid lane, you can still help out your jungle, or roam bot lane to help your duo ahead.

Those are luxuries a top laner can’t afford. Sure, there’s the occasional teleport play, but often fights have already been initialized by the time you join up on the other side of the map. As a top laner you have to rely on your own individual play. If you fall behind, you don’t have the possibilities mid lane has to crawl back in the game.

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Image Credits: Riot Games
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