DAMWON Kia wins 2021 LCK Spring Split

The 2020 World Champion has no trouble in the finals of the 2021 LCK Spring Split, winning comfortably against their opponents Gen.G.

The DAMWON players are known for their aggressive playstyle and implemented that strategy at the start of the first game. Gen.G never found an answer and found themselves behind rather quickly. A game 2 early game resurgence wasn’t enough for Gen.G, as DAMWON overtook the game and the series, concluding the dominant 3-0 showcase from the world champion.

This is the second consecutive title for DAMWON, after winning the 2020 LCK Summer Split. The title also brings a ticket to Iceland for the Mid Season Invitational, where the Koreans will join the rest of the LoL world to determine the best Spring team.

For legendary coach and three times world champion Kim “kkOma” Jeong-gyun, this is his ninth LCK title.

For Gen.G it was a repeat from the 2020 LCK Spring Split, where they lost in the finals as well, against T1 back then. Their last title goes back to the spring of 2014.

One of the few highlights for Gen.G was when Park “Ruler” Jae-hyuk became the seventh player ever to surpass the 1,500 kill mark in the LCS.

Kim “Khan” Dong-ha was awarded with the 2021 Spring Split MVP Finals award after his teammate Kim “Canyon” Geon-bu was awarded the regular season MVP award.

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Image credit: LCK 

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