CSGO Caster HenryG retires – Talks about future plans

One of the most iconic CS:GO casters Henry “HenryG” Greer has announced he’ll be retiring from casting. Greer was a well-known face within the CS:GO community and even took home the ‘Esports Broadcaster of the Year’ awards in 2019. He announced his retirement in an interview.

Greer posted an interview with DeKay (DBLTAP) on his Twitter profile talking about his retirement alongside the announcement itself. According to Greer, retiring wasn’t an easy decision. “This has been the most difficult decision I have ever had to make and it is one that I don’t take lightly. This has been my entire life for close to a decade and I can assure you that I didn’t want it to go down like this.”

Later on in the interview Greer talked more about the issues he faced in the last couple months, struggling to find joy in casting. “I realised that I was pretty much done with commentary. It simply wasn’t making me happy anymore. I was jaded beyond belief at the schedule of work each and every year and the broadcasts in general just weren’t evolving in any sort of groundbreaking way. It was the never-ending travelling circus of CS:GO and in all honesty, my memories of all those events just blur into one at times.”

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His retirement doesn’t mean Greer is leaving the CS:GO scene. In his interview with DeKay he teased his future plans, which will be announced on September 7. According to Greer, the announcement will have a big impact on the scene.

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Image Credit: ESL
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