Could Riot’s removal of online match history mean the end of League of Legends stats websites?

Riot Games have attempted to calm fears regarding the removal of their ACS and its potential consequences.

Where intentional or not, Riot has notoriously withheld pro stats that are often cited on broadcasts such as the LCS, LEC, or others. Websites like Oracle’s Elixir, Leaguepedia, and Liquidpedia have acted as safe havens for pro players, organizations, and esports writers alike looking to integrate player and team stats into their work. Rodrigo Oliveria, Head Analyst for S04 Esports, however stated that this information may be at risk.

As stated by Rodrigo, Riot’s access control system is the database that powers most website’s backends and records match history stats that appear. If removed, stats based websites would be rendered useless and information regarding stats such as gold, laning differentials, player KDAs, and even win loss percentages would be lost.

Ultimately, this would cripple analytical work for both teams and media alike. Teams are cited as often using this information to help prepare for matches in scrims, recognizing their biggest areas to improve as well as assets by looking at stats. The amount of in-depth content analysis would also drastically decrease as maintaining such a complex database without the ACS would be virtually impossible.

Tim Sevenhuysen, creator of Oracle’s Elixir, similarly stated his concerns that “Oracle’s Elixir will literally die.” Sevenhuysen gave a hint of good news however as Riot Games allegedly spoke to him, stating that the ACS will not ‘go dark’ all of a sudden and will be replaced by something ‘easier to use.’

What this ‘easier’ system is has yet to be revealed, but with many site’s fates being reliant on Riot’s decisions, many are anxious to see this new replacement. 

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Image Credits: Riot Games
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