CoD Vanguard players call for removal for the ‘Armor Plates’ Field Upgrade

The first Call of Duty Vanguard beta weekend has come and gone. With only one more left and the launch soon to follow after, Vanguard’s full release is almost upon us. Fans however have been divided by the ‘Armor Plates’ Field Upgrade.

Field Upgrades are still a relatively new addition to the Call of Duty franchise, added along with Modern Warfare. The Armor Plates Field Upgrade has been met with almost unanimous disdain from the Vanguard player base. The Field Upgrade was also featured in a previous iteration of Black Ops, but has taken a new (annoying) form in Vanguard.

The primary critics of Armor Plates have stated that it creates inconsistent gunfights, creates unfair advantages, and detracts from player skill. As the name suggest, Armor Plates provides players extra health and sustainability in gunfights. This has resulted in a general discussion of whether or not armor ‘belongs’ in a Call of Duty Game.

Despite the Field Upgrade’s massive unpopularity, there are still some advocates for keeping the upgrade. Though even supports claim that the Field Upgrade needs some level of tweaking. Longer recharges, less armor provided, and other suggestions have been thrown out by the community to mitigate the shielding of this upgrade.

The Call of Duty Vanguard still has one more weekend of its beta left. There is still plenty of time for the developers to take community feedback and adjust the game accordingly. Whether this means removing the field upgrade entirely or changing it to fit with the game remains to be seen.

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Image Credits: Activision
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