Apex Legends Season 5 starts

Respawn Entertainment has announced the newest season for Apex Legends together with a new legend, a battle pass and more.

Centerpiece of season 5 will be the new legend Loba. The Outlander is out for revenge and has her entire toolkit based on stealing and teleporting to support her mission. Especially her tactical ability “Burglar’s Best Friend” allows her to be extremely mobile as she can teleport across set distances. Her passive is “Eye For Quality” and allows her to look through walls for fresh Loot. Her Ultimate “Black Market Boutique” allows her to loot freely in her vicinity without actually moving towards the chests.

As usual the new season also offers a new Battle Pass. Over a stretch of nine weeks you can hunt for treasures in PvE-modes and fulfill quests. Another major feature of Season 5 is the introduction of a reconnect feature, enabling you to rejoin the fray if your connection was unstable.

Apex Legends is free to play for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

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Pictures via Respawn Entertainment
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