Akshan already buffed after first day of release

Riot Games have decided that their new ADC needed a little boost after their first day of release.

The newest champion added to the League of Legend’s roster, Akshan, was only live for one day before an eventual buff. Riot Games’ lead game designer, Jeevun “Jag”  Sidhu, announced the buffs to Akshan. Included in these buffs are a base AD increase (50 to 52), an HP increase (530 to 560), and a decrease to Akshan’s Q cooldown.

Jeevu Sidhu mentioned Akshan’s relatively low soloqueue win rate as reason for his sudden buffs. Sitting at just a 34% winrate, the champion certainly did not have the initial impact many expected him to have. The buff has been a part of a fairly quick hotfix, meaning the changes will be seen across all servers and all regions immediately.

There are plenty of mitigating factors that could be effecting Akshan’s low winrate. Given his ‘newness’, the rather small pool of available information could be from players who have yet to gain any mastery or experience with the rogue sentinel. Given the uniqueness of the champion and his kit, it will be no surprise if the champion receives further changes.

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Image credit: Riot Games

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