5 Support champions to help you climb out of low ELO in League of Legends

Support main looking for more agency in the bottom lane? Check out the 5 best champions for support players that will help you climb!

Though support isn’t the flashiest position to play in terms of KDA, the champions that most often fill this role can often have the biggest impact on the outcome of any given game. Support champions have incredible diversity as they encompass tanks, healers, mages and everything in between. With viable picks in all these categories, finding a champion that suits your playstyle is no problem.

Rell – Leading the charge with hard engages

If you like to be the one who starts fights and gets in the middle of the madness, then Rell is the champion for you. The most recent support added to the game, Rell’s kit revolves around initation and absorbing damage. The early laning phase is the most difficult part of the game for Rell, as her melee auto attacks and high mana cost abilities puts her at natural disadvantage. Your Attract and Repel, which should constantly be attached to your ADC in this early portion of the game, and Shattering Strike will provide you with the poke to get you safely into the team fighting stage.

Around objectives and in fights, your job is to find opportunities to jump onto enemies. Your Crash Down is a decent gap closer with great pick potential, but your primary utility will be your ultimate. Magnet Storm is perhaps the best CC in the game currently, not just pulling in enemies but dragging them with you. Building Locket of the Iron Solari and Zeke’s Convergence will make you persistent engage threat with a health bar to match.

Seraphine – The enchanter that packs a punch

The most recent mage to be introduced in the game can be flexed in either the midlane or support role, however is far more of a nuisance to deal with in the 2v2 scenario. Seraphine has an incredibly strong laning phase, giving plenty of poke and CC for your lane opponents to dodge. Do your best to pair your Beat Drop with the Stage Presence passive which pairs your CC with follow up damage, which is sure to turn an everyday trade into a winning fight.

In the team fight, Seraphine’s first priority is to heal or shield teammates. Surround Sound gives off enough sustainability to extend team fights and keep even your squishy carries in the fight while dealing damage. Seraphines ultimate, Encore, is yet another CC tool that works best in turning fights. Moonstone Renewer and Staff of Flowing water only enhances your healing abilities and mitigates enemies’ ability to catch out your allies.

Thresh – The pick master

Supports have no shortage of hook centric champions, however Thresh has constantly remained among the best choices. With one of the strongest level ones among supports, the mere threat of Thresh’s Death Sentence is enough to either demand respect in lane or catch out over-confident ADCs. Compared to Blitzcrank, Thresh’s hook is multifaceted as it allows you to either pull in your target or works as a gap closer. Lantern is another asset that primarily is meant to keep your ADC alive, providing peel in otherwise certain death scenarios. This allows Thresh players to play relatively far back as the range from your hook is still a major threat and gives your ADC a safety net.

In team fights, Thresh is able to layer CC well. The Box and Flay both work to slow and either bring in or keep enemies at a distance. While Thresh is certainly stronger in the pick finding department, tankier builds allow you to act as a damage sponge albeit without the hard engage threats that champions like Rell have.

Senna – A ranged menace

Though in professional play Senna is most often played by ADCs with a ‘fasting’ strategy, make no mistake, this is first and foremost a supportive champion. Senna’s Absolution passive allows her to farm soul stacks that slowly increase her attack range. Your early game should be spent looking for winning trades and picks. Piercing Darkness, along with your Last Embrace, is fully capable of finding both botlaners for early kills to funnel into your ADCs.

The flip side of Senna is her incredible utility. Piercing Darkness’ healing ability and the Dawning Shadow ultimate give global support that allows you to be a part of a team fight without having to dive in. Your job is constantly look for picks, finish off targets with your ult, and keep your carries alive.

Alistar – The combo king

One of the best blindpick supports, Alistar’s inherent tankiness has only made him better given the changes that came with Mythic items. The Headbutt and Pulverize combo has long been one of the best knock-ups in the game that gives your teammates plenty of time to follow up. Since both Pulverize and Trample are area of effect abilities, Alistar is more than able to dive directly into opponents for a massive CC chain.

As Alistar, you should be vigilant for chances to turn fights. Unbreakable Will is capable of turning even the most losing fights, acting a cleanse summoner spell but with added benefit as it also decreases incoming damage. Though at an initial disadvantage due to his melee disposition, Alistar’s team fight prowess, CC combo, and gap closing abilities more than make up for any shortcomings. To maximize Alistar’s tank status, Locket of the Iron Solari is once again a must-build.

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Image credit: Riot Games

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